Photo Credit: WeGraphics
About Me
Hello, my name is Steven Isley and I’ve got a odd background. I started out as an aerospace engineer at the University of Washington, then managed the Kirsten Wind Tunnel for three years. I moved on to get my Masters in aerospace engineering at Georgia Tech in the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory. I made a career change and moved into Policy Analysis, getting my Ph.D. at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, the only accredited Ph.D. program located inside a think tank. I added economics/econometrics, operations research, experimental design, and social science methods to my engineering tool set. After that, I finished a postdoc at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory where I was the first hire in a group called the New Concepts Incubator. We take ideas about technology, behavioral science, and ways to save energy, and then we test them with real people.
Now, I’m a full time employee at NREL, and conducting research in augmented reality, virtual reality, smart home systems, emerging transportation technologies, and online experimental platforms.
You can reach me at steve.c.isley@gmail.com.
Theme Information
Looking for a simple, responsive, theme for your Jekyll powered blog? Well look no further. Here be So Simple Theme, the follow up to Minimal Mistakes — by designer slash illustrator Michael Rose.
So Simple Theme is all about:
- Responsive templates. Looking good on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- Gracefully degrading in older browsers. Compatible with Internet Explorer 9+ and all modern browsers.
- Minimal embellishments and subtle animations.
- Optional large feature images for posts and pages.
- Custom 404 page to get you started.
- Simple site search
- Support for Disqus Comments